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In order to use the YoSQL tooling for Ant, follow these steps:

  1. Download the yosql-tooling-ant task zip file from the latest release (or any prior version).
  2. Define a task in your build.xml. The lib folder of the yosql-tooling-ant zip file contains all jar files that are required for the task.
  3. Write .sql files in a directory of your choice (e.g. /path/to/your/sql/files).
  4. Adjust the configuration of the YoSQL task.
  5. Execute the YoSQL task in order to generate Java code.

An example build.xml file could look like this:

<project name="YourProject">
    example showing how to use YoSQL with Ant

  <!-- define YoSQL task -->
  <taskdef name="yosql"

  <!-- configure YoSQL -->
    <files inputBaseDirectory="/path/to/your/sql/files"
    <repositories generateInterfaces="true"/>
      <rowConverters alias="yourConverter"