
Talks about: <a class="post-tag post-tag-annotations" href="/tags/annotations">annotations</a>

Sets the comment used for annotated fields.

Configuration Options

Option: ‘DO NOT MODIFY - automatically generated by YoSQL’

The default value of the fieldComment configuration option is DO NOT MODIFY - automatically generated by YoSQL. Setting the option to DO NOT MODIFY - automatically generated by YoSQL therefore produces the same code generated as the default configuration.

package com.example.persistence;

import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;

public class SomeRepository {

        value = "YoSQL",
        date = "<current_timestamp>",
        comments = "DO NOT MODIFY - automatically generated by YoSQL"
    private Object someField;

    // ... rest of generated code


Option: ‘Hello World!’

Changing the fieldComment configuration option to Hello World! produces the following code:

package com.example.persistence;

import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;

public class SomeRepository {

        value = "YoSQL",
        date = "<current_timestamp>",
        comments = "Hello World!"
    private Object someField;

    // ... rest of generated code




In order to use YoSQL together with Ant, take a look at the tooling documentation for Ant.


In order to use YoSQL together with Bazel, take a look at the tooling documentation for Bazel.


In order to use YoSQL on the command line, take a look at the tooling documentation for CLI.

$ yosql --annotations-field-comment=configValue

As long as the name of the config option is unique across all configuration groups, you can use the shorter form:

$ yosql --field-comment=configValue


In order to use YoSQL together with Gradle, take a look at the tooling documentation for Gradle. The fieldComment setting can be configured using Gradle in Kotlin syntax like this:

plugins {
  id("wtf.metio.yosql") version "2023.2.22"

yosql {
  annotations {

or in Groovy syntax like this:

plugins {
  id "java"
  id "wtf.metio.yosql" version "2023.2.22"

yosql {
  annotations {
    fieldComment = configValue


In order to use YoSQL together with Maven, take a look at the tooling documentation for Maven. The fieldComment setting can be configured using Maven like this:
